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GOWEEZ News - Startups survey analysis

Employment in Startups: Growth Amid Warning Signs

The French startup ecosystem continues to create jobs, with 4% growth in the first half of 2024. While hiring remains strong (+17%), a rise in layoffs in June calls for caution. What’s the outlook for the coming months? Which sectors are hiring the most? Discover our analysis of the French Startup Employment Barometer.

Visuel Article GOWeeZ - Présentation MY PITCH IS GOOD de la société EsCoBe

EsCoBe, the app that’s revolutionising the beauty sector

GOWeeZ presents EsCoBe, an innovative mobile application that aims to bring together players in the beauty sector, including aesthetics, hairdressing and well-being. Bringing together employees, freelancers and shop managers, EsCoBe addresses two major issues: recruitment and space optimisation.

GOWEEZ - Définir les normes d'une collaboration saine avec ChatGPT avec GOWeeZ

GPT made my Pitch Deck

I created my pitch deck with ChatGPT. GOWeeZ gives you some advice on how to write your pitch deck. This synergy between human creativity and ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities promises a powerful result as soon as the oral and written expression is provided. We give you a few tips.

Guide pour préparer un pitch deck efficace - Goweez article

Guide to work on an effective pitch deck for investors

An attractive pitch deck is crucial for convincing investors: it captures attention, communicates ideas clearly and reinforces the credibility of the project.
A visually striking presentation increases the chances of success. Here’s how to do it, with a few tips presented by Fabrice Clément, to follow but above all to personalise.

GOWeeZ - Pitchdeck - Pain Point - Les éléments clés

The Key Points of your pitch-deck to be relevant in front of the investor

To succeed in raising funds from investors, an entrepreneur needs to highlight a number of important points in his pitch. Problem to solve or Pain Point, Value Proposition, target market definition, business model, team, market traction, Go-To-Market strategy, barriers to entry and many other points presented in this article.

Goweez article-Konatus-octavian-dan-unsplash

KONATUS, A.I. for your projects (PPM)

MY PITCH IS GOOD interview with Max Stellmacher and Martin delattre, co-founders of KONATUS, at the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE in Paris. Find out more about their pitch!



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