GEKOMED, the circular economy startup that recovers and reconditions orthopedic splints

GEKOMED, the circular economy startup that recovers and reconditions orthopedic splints.

GOWeeZ and My Pitch Is Good present Gekomed, an innovative circular economy company co-founded by Mathieu Zuber.

Gekomed is a startup specializing in the recovery and reconditioning of orthopedic splints.

It responds to the growing need to combat waste. Every year, 5.7 million splints are sold in France, generating 178k tonnes of CO2.

The young Boulogne-Billancourt-based start-up has already made good progress with its partners in proposing a relevant and useful business model for the planet.


Visuel GEKOMED, la startup qui récupère et reconditionne les attelles orthopédiques


The value proposal of Gekomed 

Gekomed offers various hospital and pharmacy groups the possibility of recovering unused splints and reconditioning them.

This reduces waste and cuts costs for patients.

This is a virtuous business model for the healthcare circular economy.

Indeed, their model is based on collaboration with ANRH to promote social integration, and with wholesale distributors for collection.

Gekomed’s vision is Grande, with the aim of exporting to Africa and the Middle East.

Gekomed aspires to expand its market to medical devices beyond splints, planning international expansion through strategic fund-raising.


Gekomed’s innovative value proposition.


Gekomed stands out for its significant impact on ecology and social inclusion.

The company contributes to reducing medical waste and carbon footprints. It supports a circular economy in the healthcare sector.

A partnership with ESAT (Établissement et service d’accompagnement par le travail) for reconditioning encourages the employment of disabled people.

In this way, Gékomed demonstrates a clear commitment to a more inclusive society.

This initiative also makes healthcare more affordable by offering quality products at reduced prices.

In this way, essential medical devices become more accessible to a greater number of people.

Gekomed’s business model is based on the intelligent delegation of key tasks to specialized partners. This optimizes efficiency and reduces costs.

Splints are collected in partnership with pharmacy wholesalers. They guarantee a constant and reliable supply.

Finally, distribution is handled by specialists in the export of medical equipment. The result is rapid, targeted expansion.

Thanks to this business model, Gekomed is able to offer splints at up to 30% less than new alternatives.

A socially, ecologically and economically relevant approach.

Check out the interview (in french) MY PITCH IS GOOD of Mathieu Zuber during the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE of Paris :



Mathieu Zuber and his associates are enthusiastic about the prospect of continuing to develop this ecologically-sound business with healthcare professionals.

To find out more about Gekomed’s services, please visit :


GOWEEZ supports companies in developing their strategic innovation.


At GOWeeZ, We work with investors and family offices interested in innovative growth projects.

If you would like to present your project : you can submit it on MY PITCH IS GOOD 


Article written by Fabrice Clément

Advisor et Consultant auprès des dirigeants d'entreprise - Président de GOWeeZ. et fondateur de MY PITCH IS GOOD !

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