Corporate risk management, Aléa Prévention, a simple and intuitive SaaS solution for regulatory peace of mind

Corporate risk management, Aléa Prévention, a simple and intuitive SaaS solution for regulatory peace of mind.

Risk management in the workplace has become a major concern for employers.
Occupational health and safety regulations require companies to take strict measures to protect their employees.

Among these obligations, the creation and updating of the Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document (DUERP) is essential.

Adopted in France, regulation 41.21-1 stipulates that all companies, regardless of size, must assess occupational risks and implement preventive measures to limit accidents and psychosocial problems.

The aim of this requirement is to ensure a safe and healthy working environment, thereby promoting employee well-being and productivity.

In this article, we introduce you to Aléa Prévention, a company that enables QHSE managers and directors of all types of organisation to comply with the requirement to ensure the safety of their employees.

These actions positively transform the safety culture within the company. We explain why.

Aléa Prévention : DUERP – What does it mean ?

The Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document (DUERP) is a legal requirement for all companies in France, regardless of their size or sector of activity. The purpose of this document is to identify and assess the risks to which employees may be exposed, so that appropriate preventive action can be taken.

The DUERP comprises several key elements. Firstly, it identifies the hazards present in the company, whether in terms of work equipment, chemical products or working conditions. Next, it assesses the probability and severity of potential damage. This assessment must be updated regularly, particularly when working conditions change. Finally, the DUERP proposes preventive measures, such as equipment modifications, employee training or adjustments to work procedures.

This document is aimed at all organisations with at least one employee: private companies, public institutions, associations and sole traders. Even small not-for-profit associations must draw up a DUERP if they employ staff.

The DUERP is important in many ways.

  • It protects employees by identifying risks and implementing measures to minimise them.
  • It also ensures the company’s legal compliance, thereby avoiding potential sanctions.
  • In addition, by reducing accidents and occupational illnesses, the DUERP improves the well-being of employees and, consequently, their productivity.
  • It also reduces the costs associated with accidents at work, sick leave and insurance contributions.


Article GOWEEZ - Gestion des risques en entreprise avec Aléa Prévention


Identifying risks and monitoring preventive actions

During the 8th edition of the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE of Paris, we welcomed Pascal Provo, Founding Chairman at Aléa Prévention .

Pascal explained to us that compliance had been reinforced by the law.

All companies with one employee are now required to have a DUERP (Document Unique d’Evaluation des Risques Professionnels), or DU (Document Unique) for simplicity’s sake.

Aléa Prévention offers an all-in-one portal for managing all your company’s risks:

  • Single Document
  • Prevention Action Plan
  • Safety protocols
  • Online declaration of occupational injuries
  • Workstation safety sheet,
  • Safety prevention plan (PPS)
  • Single personnel register
  • Risk analysis

and many other essential points to which a company manager or QHSE director must pay close attention.

Aléa Prévention provides a comprehensive, simple and intuitive tool for managing these issues, which can quickly become a headache.

discover his interview in French : 


Why does Aléa Prévention meet all your needs?

The strength of the tool lies in its ability to meet the needs of all types of company, from VSEs and SMEs to multi-site businesses, the civil service and local authorities.
For example, for the DUERP or Single Document for VSEs, more than 160 models are available at or 

In less than 2 hours, you can draw up your single document and monitor the actions to be taken.

You can also customise the risks by simply responding to the health and safety requirements linked to your company’s activity.

You can identify and prevent risks on an ongoing basis, using relevant functions right from your interface.

The 4 offers available from the platform.

Aléa Prévention offers a wide range of modules in the following areas : 

Security and Malicious Acts : 

This dedicated module is designed to guarantee the safety of people and property within your company. Used on its own or with our support (Risk Prevention Officer / IPRP), this module offers essential functions for effective management of malicious risks.
What’s more, a detailed map of your premises makes it easy to identify threats and sensitive areas.
This precise visualisation enables you to put in place an anti-malware action plan tailored to the specific needs of your business.
This module also enables you to monitor your actions and indicators via a simple, customisable dashboard. This means you can monitor the progress of your security measures in real time and adjust your strategies according to the results obtained.
Finally, consolidated reporting is available at every level of your organisation. You can share clear and precise information on the state of safety in your company.
This facilitates decision-making and the involvement of all the players concerned.

Human Ressources : 

Ensure the compliance and efficiency of your safety and human resources management processes with our ILO OHS 2001, MASE, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified solution.

Designed to meet the most stringent international standards, our platform offers you a quick and easy-to-use HR tool.

Our solution stands out for its ease of use and efficiency. Thanks to prepared forms and documents.

You save precious time in the day-to-day management of your human resources:

  • By integrating your contracts, staff register and risk assessment into a single tool, you can centralise your information and streamline your processes.

With the platform, you can easily manage your legal and regulatory obligations while ensuring a rigorous approach to health and safety at work.


The Environment range offers innovative software dedicated to analysing the impact of your activity on the environment.
This software enables you to identify high-risk situations and accurately assess your environmental impact.
You can assess and prioritise your risks, taking into account the probability of occurrence, frequency, severity and level of control of each risk.
This approach enables you to effectively target the actions you need to take.
What’s more, the software lets you quickly edit and update your action plans, ensuring optimum responsiveness to environmental issues.
You can also easily generate performance indicators for each site or on a consolidated basis, making it easier to monitor and continually improve your environmental performance.

Health and safety in the workplace

As you can see, the Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document (DUERP) is a central tool for managing safety in the workplace.

It enables a structured and effective prevention action plan to be created, including essential elements such as the PAPRIPACT (Plan d’Actions Prévention des Risques Professionnels et d’Amélioration des Conditions de Travail) and rigorous safety protocols.

Detailed safety sheets are drawn up for each workstation, and incorporated into the Safety Prevention Plan (PPS).

Our multilingual solution makes it easy for all employees to access and understand, regardless of their mother tongue.

Online declaration of accidents at work and occupational illnesses simplifies administrative procedures and ensures optimum traceability.

The risk analysis is in-depth, taking into account the arduous nature of work and using tools such as the cause tree to understand and prevent work-related accidents.
The Single Personnel Register is also included, guaranteeing centralised and compliant management of employee information.

With these features, our solution helps companies meet their legal obligations while improving safety and working conditions.
Proactive, integrated risk management helps prevent accidents and promote a culture of safety within the company.

GOWeeZ article sur Aléa Prévention - offres risques


GOWEEZ supports Aléa Prévention in its development and helps you

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Article written by Fabrice Clément

Advisor et Consultant auprès des dirigeants d'entreprise - Président de GOWeeZ. et fondateur de MY PITCH IS GOOD !

Risk management has become a challenge for managers of all sizes. In this article, GOWeeZ introduces you to a company that has been helping more than 2,500 customers with these regulatory actions for 10 years. Aléa Prévention offers a cloud-based solution with support for companies through a network of occupational health and safety professionals. We explain Aléa Prévention's value proposition to you

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